The mill I finally settled on is an XK7113D from WMT CNC Industrial Company Limited (WMT) complete with a number of upgrades and accessories.  This is a tidy small machine similar with a tool workspace similar to the Tormach PCNC 440, but with a much larger 2.2 kW water cooled spindle motor at up to 12,000 RPM.   Unlike the Tormach machine it is rated as capable of batch production in steel.   The upgrades included a fourth rotary axis and precision ball screws.

WMT were very helpful in assisting me with selecting and specifying a machine, arranging shipping, and keeping me informed of progress.

In order to reduce cost, preserve my limited workshop space, and retain my existing software I had the machine downgrade programmed for MACH3, and removed the cabinet, stand and control computer from the order.  I have a number of spare high performance computers that can be dedicated to the mill, I can made a stand, and if necessary a cabinet.

The anticipated landed cost of the new machine was ~US$4,500 including factory to door shipping and import taxes.  With the order placed and deposit paid it was time to wait.  The machine took seven weeks to build to my specification and a further six weeks for shipping, factory to door.

The machine arrived on 6 September ready for uncrating and initial inspection.



Figure 1.  Banded Crate
(Note the hole in the bottom left of the crate - probably from a fork-truck.)


First up this machine is heavy.  The freight notice identifies the weight as 110 kg but I assure you it is closer to 300 kg.  The data sheet states the actual weight is 330 kg but it will be lighter without the machine housing and control computer.  I can’t even raise the pallet base without a lever.

With the wooden crate removed nothing appears to be damaged despite what looks like a fork-truck prong hole in the side of the case (let’s call this a near miss).  There were a couple of washers, a nut, a machine screw, and an electrical cable grommet rattling around on the plywood base board but the machine itself looks complete.   There was a patch of bloom rust on the top of the bed beside the fourth rotary axis.  I removed this with 1200 grit carborundum and oiled it.  All of the accessories were there including a manual (more on the manual later).  The machine itself is bolted to the wooden base board.



Figure 2.  Crate Removed


Click here to link to Setup.