A number of M2 hardware upgrades including the Z motor, dual extruder, and LCD controller may require an update to the RAMBo firmware.

Firmware upgrades can be completed without any problems following the the MakerGear firmware upgrade instructions using the appropriate firmware for your RAMBo revision and the update.

The RAMBo firmware for a Revision D M2 with a black Z motor and dual extruder does not support the LCD controller.  MakerGear technical support have provided an earlier firmware revision (M2-Marlin-RRDSC_LCD-ZMin-12-11-2015.zip) that apparently supports a revision D M2 with a black Z motor, dual extruder and an LCD controller.  The firmware update was painless, with the new version confirmed in the M2 start-up text using Pronterface.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please email me.  I will respond.  Otherwise click here to navigate to installing an LCD controller...